Catskill Dry flies - Gordon Quill Emerger (article)

The history of Catskill dry flies dates back to the 1890s in North America. Gordon Quill that is considered to be maybe one of the well known dry fly in the world is developed by Theodore Gordon who is commonly named as a father of dry fly fishing in North America.

For me Catskill dry flies have worked well in everywhere for trout, grayling, arctic char in northern Norway waters as well as for marble trout in Slovenia. I've also landed numerously many trouts during a february red stonefly hatch in March and April. 

These flies goes for excellent over all flies and in a larger size also as attractors in a faster rapids but they have proven to be amazingly effective even in situations when trouts have been very selective. 

Sometimes Catskill flies have been even better than more realistic imitations. 

Peacock quill is amazingly realistic body material and after all quite easy to handle. 

Quill Gordon Emerger 

A difference between an original one is based in some small details that I consider to give the fly more "unsinkable" features just to keep it float higher. 

You can basicly add a small bundle of CDC for a "wing case" that gives it a look of a hatching mayfly. Dun and Dark Olive Dun colours have been perhaps the most functional in our levels  Using those colours you may handle most of the mayfly hatches. 

You can rip the fibres off from a herl by just gently using your fingers. Another good tip for preparing the quills is to use a rubber or wet them first before ripping. 

Tying introductions step by step: 

Quill Gordon Emerger

Hook: size 12-16

Tail: Coq de Leon fibres or mallard

Body: peacock quill

Wing case: CDC

Wing: Mallard

Hackle: Light dun or dun and partidge feather one round at the front

You can customize the colours by using some markers and different type of cock feathers. 


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