Mar Lodge and Golden Lodge

For some reason I've wanted to tye Mar Lodge as a goldish version for a long time. Below you can find  the original Pryce-Tannatt pattern description from "How to tye Salmon flies". 

Some minor changes are made by using argus pheasent in a wing instead of turkey and also added some gadwall on the sides. 

Mar Lodge, T.E. Pryce-Tannatt
Tag: Silver Tinsel.
Tail: A Topping and a pair of Jungle Cock feathers (back to back).
Butt: Black Herl.
Body: Flat silver tinsel, jointed at the middle with two or three turns of black floss.
Ribs: Narrow oval tinsel.
Throat: Speckled Gallina.
Wings: Mixed – tippet in strands; “married” strands of white Swan, Bustard, Florican, cinnamon, mottled grey and mottled brown Turkey tail and Golden Pheasant tail.
Sides: Broad strips of barred Summer Duck.
Cheeks: Jungle Cock; a topping over all.
Horns: Blue and Yellow Macaw
Crest work: lenght and angle
Tail is the most critical part of the fly in my opinion. You should really pay attention to it first.
I usually follow the proportions that allows tail to be quite near or atleast 1,5 and max 2 x the hook gape but I don't go along those terms literally. I like a bit longer shape and profile just to give more room for the wing. For creating a decent shape I recommend you to look carefully through some old plates or original flies.  
First thing to point out here is that you should avoid tying tail in too steep angle. Tail should follow the same line than body and then curve up nicely. 

Crest feathers curving together and crossing in a same line. Try to follow the "golden line" that goes through the tail, butt and hackle line. 

BR: O.Koskinen 6.2.2021


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