Silver Grey (Pryce-Tannatt)


Pryce-Tannatt, How to tye salmon flies

(hook, 1 1/4 to 3 inches)

Tag: Silver thread and golden yellow floss

Tail: A topping and barred Summer Duck (in strands).

Butt: Black herl

Body: Flat silver tinsel

Ribs: Fine oval silver tinsel

Hackle: A badger hackle

Throat: Widgeon

Wings: Mixed - tippet in strands; "married" strands of white, yellow, and green Swan, Bustard, Florican, and Golden Pheasant tail; "married" strips of Pintail and barred Summer Duck; brown Mallard strips over.

Cheeks: Jungle Cock; a topping over

Horns: Blue and Yellow Macaw


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